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In Cost Tracker - Define the rate per person or per role globally

In Cost Tracker - Define the rate per person or per role globally, so as not to have to enter each cost tracker project to defined it.

  • Guest
  • Nov 27 2020
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Guest commented
      February 16, 2023 09:59

      This is an absolutely essential feature for us. Not all the physical people in the same project role cost us the same. I can have a junior developer with a certain pay and a different one who earns a little more or less. The way it is made now, we have to input the persons cost every single time he/she participates in a new project. Which means that I need to have a place where to trace their costs (because we can't just remember hourly rates of all of our employees) and then wait for them to make a first worklog (so that they appear in the cost tracker project team) and only then to input their single costs. Sorry to say this, but this is an impossible way to work and potentially a deal-breaker for us.

    • Joni Johnson commented
      March 18, 2022 20:06

      It would be very helpful to be able to change the role and rate for an individual and have that information applied to cost tracker reports with the right rate and role. We have contractors who convert to full time employees and we want to accurately reflect what was spent for contractors versus employees.