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Timesheet Status Report

We have a use case to pull a report that gives a complete list of employees with submitted, pending, and approves status timesheet status. We need one more approver who has access to the whole organization and can see the status of each user from a timesheet submission perspective.

  • Guest
  • Dec 7 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Guest commented
      13 Feb 21:40

      Along the same lines, a "status of timesheets" report per user/team would be useful as any missing timesheets will affect the actual costs in our company's estimation processes.

    • Orazio Pensabene commented
      July 21, 2022 18:03

      There is currently no option in Tempo to create a report that shows the approval status of all users, and or who has not submitted timesheets.

      It is also not possible to do this via REST API, as a call to every team is required, see REST API documentation .

      As a Tempo admin I need more I would in a large organization with over 100 teams and would love to see this feature come to fruition. Maybe a tempo admin dashboard to see all this and the ability to export to excel.

    • Richard Jones commented
      January 13, 2022 05:49

      This is important functionality. At the moment I cannot easily report on which timesheets have been submitted or not. We should be able to easily report on:

      • Not Completed, not submitted

      • Completed, but not submitted

      • Completed, submitted.

      • Partial completed, submitted

      • Approved.

      There should also be a date filter so we can filter periods in and out of scope of the report / API.