It is great to be able to distinguish between the billable and the logged times in time tracking. In our case, however, it is the case that times can be logged at any amount, but the billable times must always be within the logged ones.
Logged time 5h
Billable time 4,5h
In this case, however, the billable time can never be higher than the logged time.
So I would like to have a function to limit the billable time in this way.
Tempo Products | Tempo Timesheets |
Tempo Platform | Cloud, On-Premise |
Likewise, I don't understand the business case where billable time could be higher than logged time for a given day.
More specifically - we have our site set where only 24h can be logged in a given day (as opposed to unlimited). Max billable time should match max ability to log time.
Example: If I log anywhere from 1h to 24h I should not be able to log 525 hours (or any other random figure above 24h, let alone hundreds of) billable hours in a given day. That's a bug.