Tempo Ideas

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Automatic Rounding Up of Billable Hours

We would like to introduce a feature in Tempo that enables users to configure rules for automatically rounding up billable hours based on logged time. Currently, the billable hours match the logged time by default, requiring manual adjustments for billing purposes.

This feature would allow users to set specific rounding rules, such as rounding up to the nearest hour. For example, if a team member logs 45 minutes, the system would automatically round the billable hours to 1h.

This would enable users to ensure that any partial hours worked by team members are billed as full hours, which is especially useful for billing clients on a fixed-hour basis. This automation would streamline the billing process, reduce manual adjustments, and ensure consistency in billing practices.

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  • Jul 31 2024
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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