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Add a trimester option in "Grid Periods" choices

Hi all!

We would like to have an extra choice when displaying our Accounts / Timesheets. You can currently choose Days, Weeks, Months and Quarters.

We would like to have an extra choice for reports that are viewed and reported over a period of four months.

So periods of four months (Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sep-Dec).

We hope that several people come across this and think this is a good idea!

  • Matys Welle
  • Mar 3 2021
  • Will not implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Accounts
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
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    • Christoph Päper commented
      March 23, 2022 11:05

      Four months are quadmesters, though.

      Trimesters are basically the same as quarters, although some count 13 full weeks as a quarter-year, which is slightly different from 3 months.

    • Guest commented
      March 03, 2021 13:15

      Some of our accountancy reporting occurs in trimesters (periods of three months), it would be very helpful to get native reports instead of having to create custom reports for multiple accounts, based on specific timeframes that have to be set quite specifically. This is time consuming, error-prone, and requires to create many saved custom reports