Tempo Ideas

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Select different Time period in Time and expenses (Accounts)

In an account you have the option to see the Time and expenses. Unfortunate you can only select a month and not a specific period. Since we work in Sprints also different dates should be possible to select.

  • Fabian van den Barselaar
  • Jul 2 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Marton Lipcsik commented
      March 14, 2021 19:40

      https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-243 should be merged with this one

    • Marton Lipcsik commented
      March 14, 2021 19:14

      Time and Expenses report for Tempo Account is the only way in Tempo Timesheet to list expenses for an Account. If Tempo Account represents the "unit" where we collect project costs (worklogs, expenses) , it would be usefull to report expenses for more, than just one month.

      Now, we have to report and export Time and Expenses for each month, and continue the work on data in Excel.