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Show Google and O365 calendar descriptions in Tempo

With the new Activities, our Google calendar entries show "Activity:google calendar" instead of the description it had when it was created in google.

The same happens when connected to the O365 calendar

  • Andrew Ramsay
  • Mar 9 2021
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  • Guest commented
    12 Apr, 2021 01:38pm

    It seem that Tempo is filling up start/end time for us and that may cover or overlap our meeting event in tempo and act like the event disapear.

    In our department, we didn't use the start and end time as we don't want to bother with that and that the most important thing is the total duration that we had worked on a issue. So that Tempo do that for us could be okay at some point but not impacting the display of event/activities. In our case, Tempo displaying activities and calendar event save a lot of time and help us remind what we have done (for those who enter their time at the end of the week)....

    It would be really nice if we could adjust the behavior of Tempo for this case as i'm sure we are not the only that only use total duration only. By example a switch to set automatically the start/end time or not....In our case we would disable it and have all event/activitivies until we bind workflow with it...


  • Philippe Perreault-Gendron commented
    23 Mar, 2021 07:40pm

    Hi everyone,

    Here is a complementary idea/issue related to the new Activities feature: https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-813

    We are having an issue with our activities being considered incomplete because of the 'Account' custom field being mandatory. We are suggesting that :

    If the account custom field is populated and the account work attribute is required, the Log Activity button should be enabled and have the work attribute field filled with the custom field value.

    Thanks ahead for making this functionality as awesome as it was envisioned!

  • Ruchi Bahadur commented
    23 Mar, 2021 06:16pm

    Hello Everyone,

    We just wanted to provide an update on the Office365 Calendar Integration.

    Product Team is currently looking into the Calendar Description showing in the Tempo Calendar Activity Card Description.

    This feature has been added to the Product backlog.


    Tempo Product Management

  • Jeremy Barton commented
    20 Mar, 2021 03:49am

    Deleting meeting descriptions (aka zoom invite phone numbers) is not an enhancement. Just leave the meeting title.

    Jeremy Barton | General Manager
    jbarton@businessimpactinc.com | 707-699-8792


  • Sourabh Jagavkar commented
    19 Mar, 2021 11:13pm

    Hello Everyone,

    First of all, we want to thank you all for taking the time to provide feedback on the new Activities, we understand that some of you find some of the changes not optimal but we really appreciate you taking the time to share with us your use cases and feedback.

    We mentioned before that the current state of the description in the calendar event had been this way before the update. This is, in fact, the case in Google calendar but we realised today with further troubleshooting, that in Office 365, the calendar description was indeed not there before this update. We are sorry for the insufficient response on this so far and the inconvenience it has caused.

    In light of this information, our team is regrouping to discuss next steps and we will have an update on this shortly.


    Tempo Product Management

  • Tracy Moffat commented
    19 Mar, 2021 07:09pm

    I second Karen's suggestion re the radio button options

  • Tracy Moffat commented
    19 Mar, 2021 04:04pm

    There are a few bugs related to the Tempo Description, at least related to O365 calendar integration.

    Now, we can see the O365 meeting title in the kanban cards view. When we edit, we also see the 0365 meeting title along with the meeting details in the Tempo Description field.

    We have to edit the Tempo Description because we really don't want the meeting details, why are they there, not sure why anyone would want the meeting dial-in items or agenda.

    The other thing we are noticing today, is that even if we edit the Tempo Description, the Kanban card is not updating with what we changed it to. If there is a separate title we should be able to update this in Tempo tiem entry. Sometimes we block off time in our calendars for "work" and then we put into Tempo what we actually worked on during that time slot. When we edited in older Tempo version, these changes would reflect in the card view and now they do not.

  • utkarsh sharma commented
    19 Mar, 2021 05:23am

    No, the issue is still not fixed and has generated new issues. Honestly, We’re not happy.
    Issues after the bug fix.

    The Tempo page is super slow and it takes time to load all tasks or buttons to log new tasks. (still acceptable, just that it's slow)

    The google calendar meetings are missing on the tempo board. (WOW, this is new(bug) and not acceptable at all) With every bug fix or feature release, you break existing functionality.

    Team, Please be mindful that your customer is paying you for this. 

  • Jennifer de Visser commented
    18 Mar, 2021 06:59pm

    For our organization, we only need the Office 365 calendar title to show up in the worklog.

    The calendar event description isn't valuable information for our time tracking; it's usually just a Teams or Zoom link or, at best, an agenda for the meeting. I have no use for this detail in our time logs and now my team is taking time to manually delete that info.

    I discovered today, from talking with folks at Tempo, that the title is actually showing up if you don't manually change your activity log's description. I had no idea this was how it was designed and would've never noticed that on my own. I recommend finding a way to make it more visible to the user that the title is persisting.

    Lastly, we use a Custom Work Attribute that makes this entire feature moot. Ideally, if there was a way for me as a Tempo admin to update the settings on my custom work attribute so that they could pre-populate, then maybe this feature would become useful to us.

    As of right now, it's still more work than before the feature was rolled out.

  • Jon Karnofsky commented
    18 Mar, 2021 05:13pm

    I'll follow the trend - I'm happy the latest update made it better, but would really prefer Kenn Tang's approach. I'm not a fan of having the activity text included. Thanks!

  • Guest commented
    18 Mar, 2021 01:56pm

    I agree with Gregor and Gustav. Please give us the "title" only option back.

  • Gustav Wengel commented
    18 Mar, 2021 11:49am

    I agree with Gregor. Please revert to the old behaviour of just the title, or allow it to be toggled off.

  • Gregor Rudolf commented
    18 Mar, 2021 08:29am

    I’m glad the calendar title is back again, but not so happy about being followed by body/description.

    For us, the text in calendar description is either “Hello folks, hope you’re all doing well…”, “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting….” or a wall of text much too long for being useful as a log description. Thankfully it can be deleted, but having to delete it for each log entry really doesn’t sound very usable.

    As others commented: can you make it an option so that it can be turned off?

  • Kenn Tang commented
    18 Mar, 2021 08:08am

    Think there still is a little bug. If the body of the calendar entry is empty it seems like the generic text highlighted below is added to the title. Now our consultants needs to delete this text before submitting hours. Still a BIG problem.

    Could you not just have the title added as description? Body could contain a lot of information and a teams invite looks awful when presented in Tempo. The best way
    would to have a setting radio list individual for each user to pick their choice of description population

    • Title

    • Body

    • Title and Body

    Regards Kenn

  • utkarsh sharma commented
    17 Mar, 2021 06:44pm

    Hello Team,
    After your bug fix for adding title in description. The team is facing following issues.

    The tempo page take a lot time to populate all the stories/tasks. This was not the case before releasing the feature. Please fix it.

  • Kenn Tang commented
    17 Mar, 2021 06:36pm

    Hi Team,

    Thx, for getting title back in description :)

    Cloud you now just enhance it a little bit and remove then generic added text "Activity: Office365 Calendar".

    Please Pleas Please

  • Jeremy Barton commented
    17 Mar, 2021 04:17pm

    Tempo Team,

    This is a great example of designing without a need. We purchased your software because it was simple, straight forward, and easy to use. This change has distorted all of that value. My team is now having to learn how to work around the undesired automation features you have put in. If you want to test new features, do it with an internal QA group, not live, PAYING customers. We don’t want to be your guinea pigs.

    I would appreciate a toggle option to either have the basic calendar options from before (which were GREAT), or this convoluted mess of an automated procedure (which is AWFUL).

    Jeremy Barton | General Manager
    jbarton@businessimpactinc.com | 707-699-8792


  • Ruchi Bahadur commented
    17 Mar, 2021 03:59pm

    Hello Everyone,

    As we continue to develop and refine our new automation features, designed to make time tracking as effortless as possible for our customers, we are still receiving great feedback from early adopters on how these features can be further improved.

    To date, we have addressed each of these latest requests, as follows:

    • Completed and Ready to Release: This fix will allow users to see the Calendar titles in the Tempo Activity Card description field. It will be released either later today or latest by tomorrow.

    • Fixed and Released: Description from Calendar Events (Google and / or Office 365) are now showing up in the description field in the Tempo Activity Cards.

    • Fixed and Released: We have replaced the yellow icon and border of the Incomplete Activity Cards so it's less intrusive. This fix should be released prior to the end of this week.

    We’d also like to inform our group of early adopters about what is coming next, as follows:

    • Completed and Ready to Release: New Enhanced Calendar Integration - providing you an even better calendar integration experience. It will also allow you and your team to leverage Automated Time Tracking using Tempo Automation. More information to come.

    • In Progress: Issue of reloading the My Work page upon clicking.

    As previously mentioned, we’re focused on bringing exciting new automation features to Tempo’s products, and your input will continue to help us focus on the areas that make a difference. Please contact us with any additional comments, and we look forward to hearing from you.


    Tempo Product Management

  • Nick Papadakis commented
    17 Mar, 2021 12:54pm

    Here is some feedback I have recieved from my staff:
    "not only does it not auto fill in the ticket from the calendar entry title anymore, it removes the origional title after it auto finds said ticket from the title. so you can't even copy and paste the info in. you have to go back to your calendar to look up what the event was."

  • Guest commented
    16 Mar, 2021 08:29pm

    When you changed things so the body of the meeting invitation is imported into the Time Entry Description you really didn't fix anything. The title of a meeting is normally a much more succinct and accurate reflection of what time was spent on. Please default the description to the meeting title (the way it used to work) or give us a one-click way to set the description to the meeting title. You have really made my life hard.

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