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Plans created in Tempo Planner automatically create plans in Outlook/Google Calendar

When you create a plan in Tempo Planner (or someone else does), it would create a plan in a calendar integration (outlook or google Calendar).

On the same idea, when you would create a meeting in outlook/google, would automatically be counted in the planning view. (right now it only creates cards in My Work, but does not count them in the "planning" view)

  • Maxime-Samuel Nie-Rouquette
  • May 2 2020
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    13 Mar 14:59

    For us this feature would probably be the decision point for using your app. So we are really interested in this feature.

  • Justin Deutsch commented
    29 Jan 19:56

    An alternative might be to enable a one or two click convertion to planned time (Ctrl+Click?). I'd still have to enter meetings into Outlook/Google Calendar but it would be a simple process to convert them to planned time.

  • Claudio Gomes commented
    December 11, 2023 05:45

    Ditto, very annoying. Planner is such a good tool as is Tempo, but having to double-enter in Outlook calendar and Tempo is a bummer.

  • Justin Deutsch commented
    December 11, 2023 00:28

    Yes, this! I'm currently double entering things in Outlook and Tempo so that I can see what I have to do this week and managers can see what I'm planning.

    This is similar to:

  • Jesper van den Bogaard commented
    October 05, 2023 11:57

    Yes please, we really need this.

  • Lena Wenner commented
    September 29, 2023 09:15

    Please implement this. It would be really helpful for our planning.

  • Aaron Ware commented
    August 17, 2023 16:04

    To simplify this process. Could there as least be a generated iCal format? While the internal engineers may have more robust features they may be planning, the iCal link for the calendar of the individual's planner seems like it would be a quick "win" for implementation and there wouldn't need to be any "App" integration needed between Google, Office365 etc

  • Philip Loyd commented
    June 16, 2023 19:13

    Any update on getting this feature prioritized in the backlog? My team is interested in create plans in Tempo and see those plans show up in Google Calendar, so we can block off parts of our day with scheduled work automatically.

    We are currently getting around this problem by creating google calendar events with Jira ticket links so they show up in Tempo, however this workaround involves bypassing Tempo to schedule work, and also prevents us from using "plans" effectively in the first place. All events created in gcal only show up as calendar events, whereas we would prefer them show up as "planned time".

  • Guest commented
    May 15, 2023 18:41

    My team plans everything in Outlook, tagging each calendar event with a Jira ticket, and the events sync to Tempo. If we could see a report that includes Calendar Events by Issue in the "Planning" metrics, that would be great.

  • Alwin Zwaan commented
    May 15, 2023 06:36

    Please fix a two way sync TEMPO <-> OUTLOOK AGENDA ?

  • Admin
    Mayank Agarwal commented
    April 27, 2023 15:35

    Hi, thanks for voting and feedback!

    Evaluation is ongoing and we will update the idea with timelines once we have more information from our engineering teams. Thanks

  • Nina Vehovec commented
    March 23, 2023 12:52

    We have the same use case as Kevin Gerard.

  • Kevin Gérard commented
    March 17, 2023 10:36

    we'll be using Tempo planner to schedule customer visits for my consultancy teams. Due to their being on the road, it's important for them to easily track their schedule via their outlook calendar.

    When my responsible schedules time, it needs to automatically be synced to their outlook calendar.

  • Kevin Gérard commented
    March 17, 2023 10:32

    YES PLEASE! this is a deal-breaker for us if it's not possible!

  • Guest commented
    March 15, 2023 20:39

    Yes, would help the usability of Resource Planner very much.

  • Guest commented
    October 17, 2022 12:51

    We absolutely need this feature as also want to make work available in Google Calendar.

  • Peter Pedersen commented
    October 07, 2022 06:09

    Absolutely must-have features

  • Stephan Irgenfried commented
    October 04, 2022 12:16

    Would like to see this feature in the near future

  • Chris CHAULVET commented
    August 09, 2022 10:35

    Would be nice. In our side, we are using Calendly to create external meeting. So, the best could be to use Tempo Ressource Planning to make a global organisation and use Google Calendar for all meeting.
    But, we need to block all "Tempo planned time" on the Google Calendar but Avoid them in the "Calendar" of Tempo ressource planning to have a right estimated time for each day.

  • Ming Yin Ho commented
    July 29, 2022 17:55

    Would like this very much!

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