Tempo Ideas

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Allow to add system fields to the export of Tempo report (like Labels)

It would be very convenient to get access to the Jira system fields (read only) while playing with the tempo reports.

For example the capability to include them in the xlsx export.

So far, the only way it to create multiple reports based on JQL filter, and it brings in redundancy when several labels are used.

  • Guest
  • Mar 22 2021
  • Planned
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • M Howie commented
    09 Jul 11:30

    Need this!

  • Jose Martinez commented
    07 May 08:07

    We need this funcionality

  • Guest commented
    13 Mar 11:50

    We really need this feature...

  • Rene Uller commented
    October 06, 2023 08:31

    Great feature we would defintely need it.

  • Josef SIGL commented
    October 06, 2023 06:49

    We definitely would need the feature, too!

  • Guest commented
    July 14, 2022 12:53

    It would be more than useful

  • Sarah Müller commented
    February 21, 2022 08:46

    We definitely would need the feature!

  • Guest commented
    December 10, 2021 15:37

    This functionality is missing although it is available to filter based on labels for all the other JIRA functionalities (Kanband, Dashboard, BigPicture)

  • Guest commented
    December 02, 2021 12:44

    This is a great idea!

  • Pavel Gazhev commented
    December 02, 2021 12:41

    We need it

  • Guest commented
    December 01, 2021 15:29

    Please could you consider adding this feature ? Thank you.

  • Tom Gauden commented
    October 21, 2021 20:11

    This would be of great use.

  • Guest commented
    October 14, 2021 17:46

    This would be of great use.

  • Benjamin Collard commented
    June 02, 2021 15:39

    Yes, it would be very convenient and time saving.

  • Carlos Vega commented
    May 19, 2021 14:52

    It would be great to be able to add any system field to the report!

  • Ben Takizawa-Soper commented
    April 16, 2021 18:25

    Love this idea, we'd love to see Labels show up in the timesheet reports.

  • Paul S commented
    April 13, 2021 18:22

    This is a great idea! I have asked to allow the ability to add Issue Type system field as well.