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Include display value of Elements Connect fields in CSV/XLS export


In addition to Tempo Timesheets, we use the following plugin in our Jira instance:

By using this plugin, tickets in our system use an Elements Connect field to look up to an external database. Users use that field for the project code on their given ticket. Then, when they log work, they do so in Tempo to each ticket, and their work is associated with a particular project code.


When we export tickets from Jira itself (Issues > Search for issues > Export), the Elements Connect fields display properly even in a CSV export.

However, when we export an Excel from Tempo Timesheets using the CSV or Excel exports, this value appears as the following:


Rather than the display value, it is a key/database value.

Proposed Solution/Idea:

Include the display value of the Elements Connect field in the export, rather than the raw value.

  • Guest
  • Apr 20 2021
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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