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Utilization percentage should consider team join/end date

Currently the logged time report does not take the team start/end date into consideration when calculating the Utilization percentage.

  • Guest
  • Jun 7 2021
  • Will not implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Ben Takizawa-Soper commented
      November 09, 2021 21:07

      Would love if you could revisit the decision to not implement this.

      Scenario: we are using 1,000+ Tempo Teams to mirror our org structure for 10k individuals. When a new hire joins our company at the end of August they are assigned to a holiday and workload scheme. However, when a portfolio manager runs a quarterly report to chase down missing hours the "required hours" calculates from July 1st, rather than the date that the individual joined our company. Thus, their R% is skewed lower and makes the report invalid for missing hours.

      Two potential options:

      (a) include a setting that we can flip to have the logged time report look up and use Team(s) start/end dates (along with workload and holiday schemes) to calculate the required hours,

      (b) create a setting in the Settings > Manage Staff list where we can add start and end dates for associates and then use this for calculating required hours in the logged time report
