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Default value for Work Attributes

Being able to define a default value for a work attribute (value that is selected by default) when logging work.

  • Guest
  • Oct 17 2018
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud, On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Peter Cselotei commented
    11 Feb 11:06am

    Vote up :)

  • Guest commented
    16 Aug, 2024 06:52am

    Or a configurable default value per user

  • Guest commented
    16 Aug, 2024 06:50am

    great Idea. It would be perfect if this value could be changed depending on lets say a custom field value via Rest api or automation

  • a a commented
    26 Jan, 2024 05:19pm

    Vote up : )

  • Clayce Rodamer commented
    12 Jan, 2024 04:59pm

    We are evaluating Tempo and would be very helpful if we could set default values for Work Attributes. Would save our users clicks and time.

  • Oscar Recio commented
    11 Jan, 2024 10:39am

    I love the idea to have this default value, because you can be more agile.

    Most of the cases in our vision need a default value, and we use the other values as alternatives!

    Should be nice to have!

  • Liz Elliott commented
    28 Nov, 2023 06:58pm

    This would be very useful to have. It would help save time in constantly having to select an option that is commonly used. Some of these smaller features may seem like nothing but they are sometimes the reason why a company would choose an app over another.

  • Charles Coe commented
    6 Nov, 2023 06:46pm

    This is a productivity booster to have a default checked box.

    We use this as part of our billing system to select which billing category which is often the same for every person. No need to do per person, but would be nice.

  • Kacper Gadula commented
    22 Sep, 2023 09:44am

    Hi All,

    This is very good idea!

    We need it in our company.

  • Thijs Rijnders commented
    2 Aug, 2023 06:15am

    Hi All,

    This is a very good idea and will be great to have this in Tempo.

    As Kevin said:

    There's 2 options for me, either i need to be able to make work attributes mandatory or optional based on the TEAM the user is part of OR i need to be able to set a default value.

    The support center of Tempo has made this a idea for be before I read the comments of Kevin and Tomislav on this idea. Here is the link so you can vote on it if you want: https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-2433. See in particular the comment I posted to clear some things up.

    I hope they (Tempo) see the added value this brings to Tempo for all of there users.

  • Guest commented
    25 Jul, 2023 03:04pm

    Would love to see this happen! We use this as part of our billing system to select which billing category which is often the same for every person. It would be so nice to set a default value for each user so they don't have to change it every time.

  • Tomislav Tobijas commented
    3 Jul, 2023 02:10pm

    As Kevin said

    There's 2 options for me, either i need to be able to make work attributes mandatory or optional based on the TEAM the user is part of OR i need to be able to set a default value.

    -> The best solution would be to have both options - work attributes by team/project + ability to set a default value.

    The default value is something that our clients regularly ask.

  • Kevin Gérard commented
    7 Jun, 2023 07:54pm

    Is there any update on how far in the future this would be considered?
    Seems like the idea is already 5 years old :s

    Simple as it may seem, it will mean a big relief for a lot of my teams.

    -> We have a Work Attribute set as a 'static list' that is mandatory to fill in. However, the value is only needed for my Development teams.
    Yet due to the limited flexibility the available ALL my teams are currently required to fill in it, even if it's not applicable to them.

    (this is data shared with our government, which we cannot afford to be incomplete!)

    There's 2 options for me, either i need to be able to make work attributes mandatory or optional based on the TEAM the user is part of OR i need to be able to set a default value.

  • karl mörner commented
    21 Sep, 2022 09:37am

    I would need the default to be set per project to make it useful.

  • Jake Sullivan commented
    3 Dec, 2021 06:03am

    Use Case: Value for "Client" should default when creating a worklog, if only one value is available.

  • Laurent NGUYEN DUC commented
    7 Oct, 2021 02:55pm

    It will be a very good for our company

  • Marc Koppelaar commented
    7 Jun, 2021 06:46am

    This is an addition is a feature that would be a great addition on Atlassian Cloud as well.

  • Unal Perendi commented
    11 May, 2021 07:34pm

    Each time selecting "Normal Working Hours" from the list is just so much loss of time per person each time doing any entry. There should be a default one would save so much time of everyone. Also in Cloud version same.

  • Guest commented
    9 Feb, 2021 04:35pm

    Mainly it would be very helpful for dynamic dropdown lists.

    As it was in Tempo Timesheet 8...

    Thanks BR

  • Michele Milani commented
    4 Feb, 2021 12:35am

    It would be very helpful

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