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If you are using a Jira API to extract the worklogs, you will not get the author, as it is not synced over to Jira. We are looking into making improvements to how we integrate with Jira to solve this.
In the meantime I recommend that you look into using Tempo API's to retrieve the worklogs. That way all the information should be returned, including the author: https://tempo-io.github.io/tempo-api-docs/#worklogs
You can also look into using Tempo reports to export time tracking data.
Previously when we downloaded the tickets from jira into a CVS file the content of the Log work column would include the name of the resource that have logged the time. Now for all hours logged we are getting the below information, so it is impossible to identify who has logged 7200 seconds.
HI Hlynur,
Please let us know any update on the ticket below.
Jaime Barredo
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the feedback!
If you are using a Jira API to extract the worklogs, you will not get the author, as it is not synced over to Jira. We are looking into making improvements to how we integrate with Jira to solve this.
In the meantime I recommend that you look into using Tempo API's to retrieve the worklogs. That way all the information should be returned, including the author: https://tempo-io.github.io/tempo-api-docs/#worklogs
You can also look into using Tempo reports to export time tracking data.
Hope that helps,
Hlynur Johnsen
Group Product Manager - Temp for Jira
please help us expedite as it is impacting our day to day activities
Previously when we downloaded the tickets from jira into a CVS file the content of the Log work column would include the name of the resource that have logged the time. Now for all hours logged we are getting the below information, so it is impossible to identify who has logged 7200 seconds.
Log Work
time-tracking;06/Sep/19 12:14:23;addon_is.origo.jira.tempo-plugin;7200
please yours support reviewing this issue - this is impacting the operations as we don't have full visibility on resources logging hours