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Hide issues in issue picker

Most common need is to hide issues that are in "done" status from the issue picker.

In particular: it is possible to restrict logging work on done issues with a condition, but the issues still are shown in the picker. It would be a better experience to be able to only show issues that user can log work on in issue picker.

  • Ingi Brown
  • Aug 1 2019
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Tempo User commented
    15 Aug, 2024 05:14pm

    Similarly, it would be beneficial to only show/filter jira projects of interest. this is a huge pain point. Reporters see tons of jira projects not relevant for their logging.

  • Deniz Tartaro commented
    11 Dec, 2023 05:08pm

    This is a similar idea I opened few days ago:

  • Richard Federa commented
    29 Nov, 2022 06:30am

    This has come again and again for my clients. In favor of the Jira workflow status suggestion mentioned earlier here in this thread. But ideally, this should be configurable in the Tempo app settings.

  • Ivor Allchin commented
    17 Jan, 2022 03:38pm

    This would be invaluable in our organisation - as you scale you need to be able to archive/hide completed work - otherwise it is a disincentive to using Tempo at scale.

  • Jeanette Franks commented
    23 Nov, 2021 07:37pm

    Not sure if this is the same thing but I'd like to be able to set a time threshold for after tickets are completed. ie: Users can log time to open tickets or to tickets that were completed less than 30 days ago. This would really help limit how many issues come up in the picker!

  • Greg Fischer commented
    18 Nov, 2020 06:25pm

    We would like to see this implemented such that if the workflow state has either property jira.permission.work.denied = true or jira.issue.editable = false set then the issue disappears from the issue picker and user favorites list. We don't want the issues to disappear from the issue picker/favorites just because they are Done, as we have some use cases where users are allowed to log time against Done issues (user works on Story on Monday, Story gets closed on Wednesday, user enters their time for the week on Friday afternoon so would still need to able to log time against that Story).