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Add Column for Timeframe on Cost Tracker Home Page

I'd like to be able to have control over what columns I want to see on the Cost Tracker All Projects - home page.

Specifically, I'd like to see a column for timeframe. The intended purpose we are using Cost Tracker for, is for monthly billing reports for our clients.

Reasoning: Having a column for timeframe, would give my finance department an eagle's-eye view of All the accounts we have, and make sure the cost shown in the Actual column is for the right time frame (monthly period) as all the other accounts. It would help keep track of what projects were manually changed already.

Nice to Have: It'd be even better if on the main page, with that timeframe column, if I could somehow select all the projects and adjust the timeframe for all those selected. [So without having to go in and manually adjust each cost tracker project's timeframe configuration].

  • Guest
  • Nov 4 2021
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Clint Cambier commented
      May 22, 2023 07:08

      I second this!

      More specifically even, the "Nice to Have" is the main goal for us. Identical to what you have in Tempo Reports at the left top.

      Without this it's quite cumbersome to switch between months, considering the amount of clicks it would take.

      Thank you for considering this!