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Cost Tracker > Archive projects or add export/import function (cloud)

Make it possible to archive completed projects in the Cost Tracker overview so that they don't divert attention from active projects.

The filters are not saved and therefore not useful when switching windows. Deleting projects would cause permanent loss of project specific data (like roles, rates, milestones etc.). Data too important to lose.

Solutions can be:

  1. Save filters so that they remain active;

  2. Add status Archived so that projects (data) can be saved but out of sight;

  3. Add Export/Import option for projects so that they can be saved and restored if necessary.

Hopefully, Tempo Cost Tracker can be expanded with one of these options. Especially given the crucial role that these data and reports have, the ability to make a backup or export/import is a must.

  • Mickel
  • Feb 10 2022
Tempo Products Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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