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Tempo Scheduler weekly period exceeding by number days and set fixed time to run scheduler

On scheduler there is weekly period fixed as 7 days.

Scheduler runs fixed at 23.59 at night.

Weekly schedule should be able to extend by number of days as it is possible in monthly period.

By being able to extend weekly period by number of days it would be possible to have Tempo Scheduler close on weekly basis but still have users able to enter hours after period.

By being able to set the fixed time when Tempo Scheduler runs it would be possible to be set at middle of the day.

For example:

Tempo period is 1st to 7th day of week, Monday to Sunday, and scheduler is set to run 2 days after ending date at 10.00am.

By extending period by two days it would be possible to enter hours to period of 1st to 7th day at the 9th day of Month ie. Tuesday of next week at 10.00am.

  • Petri Kuorikoski
  • Sep 26 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
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