Tempo Ideas

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API for Grace Period management

I believe that it would be useful to have APIs for grace period management, like granting or verifying if one is open.

  • Vasco Pedrosa
  • Dec 9 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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    • Susanne Götz commented
      21 Feb 09:54

      Additonal to a REST API to retrieve / give grace, it would be useful to show the grace information in the UI. Currently, it is not possible to see if a grace period has been given to a team member and how long it is valid

    • David Bruce commented
      February 20, 2023 23:20

      Supporting this idea request, as it prevents us from automating the re-opening of timesheets when using Scheduler to close down timesheet submissions every week.

      We'd love to allow users to submit a support ticket to re-open last week's timesheets and have this processed automatically whilst informing key people that this is happening. Unfortunately not possible without Grace Period being allowed in the API.