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Ability to report total hours from multiple levels and total hours in raw data export

Users would like to be able to create a report that shows the total of hours on the higher level of entries (ex showing the issue only with the sum-up hours from sub-tasks) additionally, they would like the ability to have a total of hours issues in raw data export.

  • Stefanny Alarie
  • Aug 22 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Ashleigh Lodge commented
    August 22, 2023 20:01

    Thanks for adding this Stefanny!

    And yes, I need to do weekly reporting on issues, but only at the story/bug level, not for sub-tasks. Right now I'm working with a spreadsheet and some VLOOKUPs, but its awkward and frustrating.

    I'm also being asked to report on the total time (since the beginning) for these issues, which again, I'm handling with a running SUM, but since the raw data export already has top-level issue info like estimate and estimate remaining, it would be nice to get the overall total time spent as well.