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Report based on the total amount of logged hours by a team

I want to create a report based on a team, where I can see the total amount of logged hours by the team, although I as a Team Lead I do not have access to the projects.

Basically like the sum of hours I can see in the "Approvals" area for each engineer, but on a team base

  • Martin Altenberger
  • Mar 9 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Andreas Krupp commented
      September 05, 2024 08:14

      Hello Team,

      This is becoming a blocker for us as a company with a multi-brand strategy and cross-brand collaboration. A team lead must be able to see the sum of logged hours for each team member in their time sheets, that have been delivered on jira projects that the team does not have access to.