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Team Leads or Admins can see another users Calendar view

We would like for Team Leads or Tempo Admins to be able to see the calendar view of other users.


Currently Team Leads can view other employees' timesheets as a Team Report or User Report, but those offer only the grid view (total number of hours per day). We would like to have insight into the daily schedule of the employees, see how the worklogs are distributed hour-by-hour throughout the day

  • Andrew Ramsay
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Teams
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Brett Talbot commented
    9 Dec, 2024 03:14pm

    It seems like it is possible for Tempo to see other calendars if the calendars are connected using the enhanced option, and the view is via the planner.

    The problem with the planner view, is you can't see on an hourly basis the workload for each team member (from a team leader point of view) - where they might have gaps to better utilise their time.

    We really need a feature where we can see in a calendar view:

    Work in progress
    Planned work
    User's connected calendar

    This would be soooo helpful for the team/team leader in understanding work in the current or next week - i.e. for short to medium term planning.

    .. and without this, we will have to find another tool. which would be a shame given the other excellent abilities of Tempo.

    Please Tempo people reconsider delivering this...?

  • Klára Laura Zikešová commented
    3 Dec, 2024 12:29pm

    +1; client of ours wants this feature too

  • Brett Talbot commented
    27 Nov, 2024 10:15am

    This would be incredibly useful so that admins can keep track of planned and logged work.

  • Sam Braverman commented
    9 Sep, 2024 04:36pm

    This feature is badly needed

  • Andreas Krupp commented
    5 Sep, 2024 08:08am

    Hello Team,

    Since you have the view already in the cloud, this feature request should be a quick win to simply enable this. This is critical for team leads to review timesheets.

    Best & thx,


  • Guest commented
    29 Aug, 2024 09:53am

    This feature would be incredibly useful for our team as well, especially in the cloud version. Being able to view the calendar view for other users would greatly enhance the efficiency of time tracking and management, making it easier to monitor breaks and ensure compliance with work-hour regulations.

    Do you have any indication of when development on this feature might begin, or if there are any updates on its consideration status? We would love to see this implemented soon.

  • michel desfawes commented
    19 Mar, 2024 10:36am

    Nice to have it in the cloud

  • Guest commented
    8 Feb, 2024 01:51pm

    We would love to have such a feature for cloud!

  • Tomislav Tobijas commented
    7 Nov, 2023 11:36am

    Just a side note - this would be useful for cloud platform users as well.

  • Tina Cordola commented
    7 Nov, 2022 03:29pm

    I agree with all other posts on this same topic in that it would definitely beneficial to the line Team Leads / Managers if we had the option to look at employees time sheets in calendar view as it is much more convenient and intuitive and would make going through timesheets easier, especially in the event that we have to make edits. For me, this feature cannot come soon enough.

  • Marek Polakovic commented
    23 Feb, 2021 09:56am

    This is something that I am looking for and I would love to have it. Looking at the work in calendar view is much better specially with dealing with overtime hours and starting times of the employee.

    Nevertheless, by doing an Excel export, I have all data there, but it's not that convenient to go line by line and check it out. The visualisation would make my life easier.

  • Douglas Lesavoy commented
    13 Jan, 2021 12:14am

    Chiming in from California here! This view would make going through employee time VASTLY easier for reviewing if meal breaks were taken at the right time. Right now, we need to do a manual export of the employee data and review each log line by line.

  • George Telonis commented
    12 Jan, 2021 11:58pm

    Following up on this, I would love to have this as a feature. Looking at work time visually is far more intuitive for tracking breaks, meals, and meal penalties for my team. As it currently stands, I have to enter each time entry, edit it, and look at the time stamps. Even adding time stamps to the initial logged entry time would be helpful, although not ideal.

  • Peter Vermeulen commented
    17 Sep, 2020 12:48pm

    As team lead we would like to see the logged work in agenda view. To see the issues worked on in a timeline,

  • Hlynur Johnsen commented
    17 Sep, 2020 09:59am

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Until now, we have considered a users Calendar view to be "private" to that user, not to be access by anyone else. This view has been designed with this in mind - optimised to show the user information relevant to him/herself. That said, I can certainly understand that having access to this type of information is a valid use case, so I'm changing the status of this to "Future consideration" - with the note that we could potentially serve it without necessarily given others access to exactly this view.


    Hlynur Johnsen

    Group Product Manager - Tempo for Jira

  • Egon Kuster commented
    28 Jun, 2020 11:38pm

    I also would like to see the calendar information for the start and end times of work logs per day for the approvers of timesheets. Just seeing the total hours is not enough as it does not allow them to check whether enough breaks are being had. Also this needs to be in the reports as well.