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Reports: "Group" and "Filter" by Issue Types

It would be very interesting for us to see how much time is spent on different issue types, e.g. meetings, bugs or regular issues. This would allow us to easily check how much time our employees spent coding on projects compared to bug fixing, for example.

Would be awesome, thanks!

  • Jonas Boernicke
  • Jun 8 2020
  • Planned
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Reports
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Gevorg Ablabutyan commented
    8 Oct, 2024 07:27pm

    We need to filter by issue type.

  • Admin
    Kathryn Vargas commented
    1 Dec, 2023 06:13pm

    Hello all, a quick update: we've added the ability to group by issue type in the Logged Time reports in Timesheets Cloud.

    We'll keep you posted on future developments, and many thanks to those who upvoted this idea and provided feedback.

    Best regards,
    Kathryn Vargas
    Tempo Product Management Team

  • Admin
    Kathryn Vargas commented
    13 Oct, 2023 11:25am

    Hello all, today we released new "group by" options in the Logged Time Report to TempoLab, our early access program, including grouping by issue type.

    We encourage you to join TempoLab to access the improved Logged Time Report and have your say! Sign up
    here – it only takes a few minutes, and you'll get early access to all future Timesheets Cloud features.

    Thanks for voting for this feature request – we look forward to your feedback, questions, and comments.

    Best regards,
    Kathryn Vargas
    Tempo Product Management Team

  • Germán A. Isaurralde commented
    30 May, 2023 05:20pm


  • Pier-Luc Boucher commented
    25 Nov, 2022 12:54pm

    Can't understand why, after so many years, that feature isn't in the product

    Issuetype could be use to represent type of work and we need to be able to group on those issuetype, without having to buy another addons

    Don't understand also why there isn't more vote on this idea...

  • Mark Swale commented
    10 May, 2022 08:59pm

    Its the one thing I wanted to do when creating my first report when trialing the system. The benefit of having this filter is obvious, so just do it please.

  • dave gelinas commented
    17 Mar, 2022 09:00pm

    Unbelieve this doesn't' exist. It may take 5 minute to add this feature.

  • Kristin Hreinsdottir commented
    9 Feb, 2022 09:54am

    Group by issue type is sorely needed in Tempo Timesheets reporting. To name a few examples: I want to understand how much time overall is being spent on building new features vs fixing bugs or other type of work - group by account+issue type would give lots of great insights. Also while building new value to understand the quality of work ie to see how much time we spend on bugs reported in the development phase ie filter by fix version group by epic+issue type. Also to see how type of work is different between ie group by team+issue type.

  • Armando Leite commented
    25 Aug, 2021 09:12pm


  • Guest commented
    30 Mar, 2021 12:25pm


  • Bram V commented
    22 Sep, 2020 06:22pm

    We want to Group By linked issue type. So like the Epic functionality, but for a different issue type.

  • Guest commented
    14 Jul, 2020 11:50pm

    This is technically possible today with a custom filter, I can look individually at each issue type if I build a filter for each one, but it's not the elegant filter/group by native to Tempo reports.

    So yes, please consider implementing this because we break our work down into defects, code development work, operations work, incident response...a key metric for us is time spent on new development vs. operational work.