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Group by issue type in Tempo report

I would like to be able to group by issue type in Tempo reports, so that I have concise report on how much my teams invest on epics, bugs and other todos

  • Guest
  • Mar 15 2021
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Reports
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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  • Alfons Cano commented
    18 Jul 10:44am

    Essential for visibility of the financial manager module, so you don't have to take out Excel and make Tempo useful

  • Jeremy Grech commented
    9 Nov, 2023 10:27am

    This is really strange for an established tool like Tempo not to allow grouping by initiatives and only by Epics and Issues. How are people meant to generate reports and track time spent on projects at a higher levels such as Initiative level?

  • Craig Castle-Mead commented
    24 Oct, 2023 01:32am

    https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-295 has just been released to TempoLabs for Cloud, so you obviously agree to the need for this type of grouping.

    Can you please confirm when the development of the on-premise equivalent will begin?


  • Peter Smit commented
    9 Mar, 2023 02:51pm

    Checking in to see if this idea / request is going to get implemented. I'm fully with @Marton Lipcsik on this one, Epic's can not represent everything. We work with a completely different hierarchy Vision -> Strategic themes -> Objectives -> Initiatives -> Epics and we want to be able to report based on objectives / initiatives for example.

  • Max Mykhailenko commented
    2 Mar, 2023 04:50pm

    Yea, I also want to have grouping by issue type. In my case I plan to group issues by bugs, tickets, stories. Another option to add filter by issue type

  • Guest commented
    8 Aug, 2022 02:07am


    We have a number of teams who are looking to group by Story on their Tempo reports. Epic is too high level, Issue is too low level.

    I agree with Marton, that being able to group by the generic "Issue Type" would provide more flexibility instead of supporting Story, but then someone may want Bugs V FR's etc.


  • dave gelinas commented
    17 Mar, 2022 08:56pm

    Just started using this today and still trying to wrap my head around why this ability is not already there.

  • Cristian Iorio commented
    26 Jan, 2022 02:07pm

    Our customers would enjoy this feature too. They need to group worklogs by custom issue type, also to differentiate various project types.

  • Ye Fung Tchen commented
    14 Jul, 2021 03:27pm

    We have issuetypes which basically are above epic level and it would be great if we could group them together in the reports.. it is really annoying to aggregate all the hours of epics together to see all the worklogs of the above-epic-issuetype

  • Marton Lipcsik commented
    17 May, 2021 07:20pm

    I just wanted to create an idea, when I found this one.
    Group by issue type would rise the business value of Tempo reporting.

    Issue type cannot be just the Atlassian default (task, subtask, bug, epic, story, etc..), but JIRA user can define his own issue type to represent his business entity.
    "Custom order" or "presales" or "deliverable" can be issue types as well.

    With grouping by issue type, Tempo customer could group worklogs by "presales" type issues, "deliverable" type issues, etc...just how his business is represented in JIRA.

    Now group by "EPIC" is the only issue type usable in grouping, but EPIC cannot represent "everything".