Tempo Ideas

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Group By Custom Field in Tempo Reports

We actually use 1h Timesheet gadget to help overcome this limitation. With Tempo's the purchase of this plugin. It would make sense to allow this in the base reports in Tempo.

Even if this was a configurable setting in Tempos core. such as Allow Grouping by Additional fields and maybe limit the number to only 3 Additional fields to group by so help with indexing and Data constraints. I understand that the worklog in jira's core does not contain this data and it would require additional joining of data to report on Custom field values. However you already currently allow the inclusion of additional fields in the Export and Servlet functions for this data.

  • Guest
  • May 14 2020
  • Planned
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Reports
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Peter Cselotei commented
    May 27, 2020 10:55

    I've seen, that this idea won't be implemented in Cloud. Is there a possibility to implement this on-premise as this ticket suggest? If not, could you please tell us, why?

  • +3