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Display Repo name in Description

This should be an easy one, but I couldn't find any settings that do this already.

Whenever an App connected to a repository (GitHub, VS Code, etc) creates a new timeslot, the description should include the name of the repository.

Currently, it's something like:

"[branch] - Activity: VS-Code"

But if the branches have similar names or you are cleaning up logs from a week or two ago, it's difficult to tell which branch corresponds to which repository. If there was at least a way to switch it to something like:

"[repository]/[branch] - Activity: VS-Code"

it would already be a huge improvement over the current description.

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2024
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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  • Francis Charette-Migneault commented
    July 11, 2024 00:04

    This would indeed be very useful.

    When constantly working across multiple repositories, it is easy to get lost with just the branch name.

    I suggest that, on top of the repository, the organization name, and maybe even the Git platform (GitHub, GitLab, etc.) where the description originates from should be provided as well.