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Tempo Trackers - Suggest issue from description

I often use the dashboard widget to track time with Trackers. Often, somebody comes to me to promptly discuss some specific Jira issue, so I quickly start a new tracker, and ask about the issue number - I write it down in the tracker description, like "PROJ-1234 discuss with Tom" which is quick, because I always have my Jira Dashboard with Trackers open in a separate browser tab. I don't want to spend time on finding and opening the issue, then clicking on Trackers, and then starting a tracker in the issue context - it takes time and somedays I have a dozen such situations in a day, most of the time I don't need the whole context of an issue, I don't need to view it in full.

It'd be very helpful when converting the tracker to a worklog later at the end of the day, if the "Log Time" window would automatically extract the first found issue number from the tracker description, if there is any, and automatically select such issue in the "Search issues" field. Now I have to copy the ID from the description to the field manually.

  • Wojciech Adamczyk
  • Nov 8 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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