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Get Tempo Log time attibutes in transition screens

We want our members to enter time when they transition an issue in JIRA. For now onlu "time tracking" field from Jira itself is available. I would like the opportunity to put the "time tracking" from Tempo instead.

  • Andrew Ramsay
  • Feb 14 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Lucas Simon commented
    20 Jun 15:08


    We have users from our organization who are missing this feature in Jira. Are there any updates?


  • Josh Hammond commented
    20 Jun 15:06

    This feature would be incredibly helpful for our organization and could help further drive Tempo user adoption.

  • Karin Kennergren commented
    31 May 13:21

    For us, it is the missing piece in the puzzle right now. Especially since most that use it have a lot of issues everyday and need to be able to log time in a good way at "point of work"

  • Ruud Seberechts commented
    21 May 13:52

    This would be really really useful for eg. the comment field. Now you can use the Jira comment field, but since this also adds a real comment, that is less than ideal. (Also when you configure the comment to be mandatory for the time log, this can be bypassed by using the transaction screen)

    Also it would be nice if the same number-to-time rules are supported, eg. that "0.75" logs 45 minutes instead of a couple of seconds.