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Get Tempo Log time attibutes in transition screens

We want our members to enter time when they transition an issue in JIRA. For now onlu "time tracking" field from Jira itself is available. I would like the opportunity to put the "time tracking" from Tempo instead.

  • Guest
  • Jun 27 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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  • Josh Hammond commented
    20 Jun, 2024 03:06pm

    I concur with Lucas and Karin.

    This feature would be incredibly helpful for our organization and could help further drive Tempo user adoption.

  • Lucas Simon commented
    20 Jun, 2024 02:50pm


    We have users from our organization who are missing this feature in Jira. Are there any updates?


  • Karin Kennergren commented
    31 May, 2024 01:22pm

    For us, it is the missing piece in the puzzle right now. Especially since most that use it have a lot of issues everyday and need to be able to log time in a good way at "point of work"

  • Andrew Ramsay commented
    14 Feb, 2023 04:01pm
  • Alex D commented
    23 Jan, 2023 02:55pm

    Any news on it in 2023?

  • Michael Ries commented
    30 Nov, 2022 07:27am

    If you use Tempo for Time Tracking this feature needs to be implemented, no question about it.

    The Default Transition mask is there for a reason. If I replace a Jira basic function with an expensive app, I want at least the same usability on all places it was before.

    How is this an issue we have to vote on?

  • Jacqueline Meister commented
    17 Mar, 2021 09:46am

    i saw another plugin that does this with a "customfield". Its WorklogPRO. Dokumenation: https://denizoguz.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WLP/pages/105185283/Log+Work+Custom+Field

    so its seems that there is a way.

  • Phani Manthena commented
    27 Jan, 2021 12:06pm

    I would definitely vote for this feature

  • Jeremy Upright commented
    9 Sep, 2020 05:53pm

    I would like to add some additional justification to this request. Currently, Tempo offers things like time periods and max hours per day per person. We are taking advantage of these capabilities in our organization, but if we are forced to log time during a transition via the native Jira time entry attributes, then we can not enforce things like max hours per day per person. For this reason, we too would like to see the ability to log time in Tempo on a transition.

  • Guest commented
    3 Sep, 2020 01:30pm

    Hi Hlynur,

    Thank you for your answer. Yes we would like to have the same fields than Tempo Log time dialog.

    Ideally we would even select the fields we want to include from that dialog popup to the transition screen. That popup could be quite tall if we have many customized Tempo fields.


  • Hlynur Johnsen commented
    3 Sep, 2020 01:11pm

    Hi Romain,

    Thanks for the feedback!

    This is indeed something we have been looking into doing for a while. To my best knowledge, Jira has not yet offered support for apps to inject their own dialogs into the transition flow.

    I have an open request with Atlassian to explore this possibility with them. If they gives us what we need - or if it's already available - this is definitely one of the things we would like to improve on.

    I'm assuming that you are interested in simply seeing the same log time dialog that you see when you log work through Tempo views?

    I'll comment on this idea when I have more information.


    Hlynur Johnsen

    Group Product Manager - Tempo for Jira