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Budgets : Export Data - Do not format Amount Value (Remove thousand separator)

When exporting budget data Amounts are currently formatted with a thousands separator, depending on the Excel language they are not recognized as number.

It will be easier to display and work with the export if Amounts are not formatted.

This mean having : 20000.45 in the export instead of 20'000.45

  • Frédéric Maye
  • Jul 17 2024
Tempo Products Tempo Budgets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Frédéric Maye commented
    17 Jul 17:01

    Sorry to comment again.

    In fact if the grouping separator is left to the default : None --> the thousands separator is added.

    But if the parameter is changed to an other value, perform an export, set back to "None" --> It works.

    Therefore it seems more to be "Bug" than a new feature.

  • Frédéric Maye commented
    17 Jul 16:55

    In fact, even with the Folio configuration - Export Formats / Grouping Separator set to None, Amount are exported with the Thousands separator.