Tempo Ideas

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Have an option to bring only the current user's favorite filters instead of all the filters.

Now, Time Tracker brings all the filters when it loads. If a user has a big enough number of filters, it compromises the app's performance. Thus, it should have the option to bring only the current user's favorite filters instead of all the filters.

Discovered in TCS-76737.

  • Guest
  • Dec 27 2024
Tempo Products Timesheet Reports & Gadgets (formerly Prime)
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Jason Cole commented
    06 Jan 23:08

    I would vote for this 100 times if I were able to. This is a win for everyone involved, the endpoint, the applications, and browser / PC performance. Atlassian has shared endpoints that allow this specific call, and I very much hope the team will evaluate putting the Favorites version to use as soon as practical. Happy to be an Alpha or Beta tester if helpful.