Tempo Ideas

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Additional Attributes (field) associated to Tempo Team Members (i.e Expertise attributes)

To compliment the Tempo "Role", we would require an additional field "Expertise" to identify and allow for an additional element for planning resources.

  • Vince Ciaravella
  • Aug 12 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Volker Heim commented
      July 19, 2023 10:17

      The Skill - Management from the Cloud Version (See T-I-304) should as well be implemented in the On Prem Version

    • Guest commented
      June 07, 2023 15:24

      Multiple team member attributes would be helpful to extend this object. Fields like: Employee Type (contractor/FTE), Employee ID come to mind.

      Also, I know Program could be used to demonstrate a value for Department, but this is at the Team level. A field to assign department to a user would be great too.

    • Kim Rosen commented
      February 22, 2022 14:22

      Cloud idea can be found here to vote on https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-304

    • Guest commented
      August 12, 2020 14:52

      This field will help us to manage the capacity based on the specific expertise of the resources. The role is limited to reflect the specific expertise of the resource.