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Visual Clarity: Display whether worklog has been approved or not

This is a partner request,

They are looking for a quick way to confirm whether a certain worklog has been approved whether it be from the UI of the report or from Excel report.

Currently, the approval period might lock the timesheets for a past period, but it won't necessarily imply that someone has looked over and approve that worklog. This could also apply to planning and getting that worklog approved where there are no easy way of making the distinction between different worklog states in the report (for example a vacation might have been planned and approved in 2 weeks, but there won't be a way to quickly distinguish that information in the report or in excel.

  • Maxime-Samuel Nie-Rouquette
  • Oct 6 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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