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Separate date from time in worklog reports or add option to show date only

When I export worklogs grouped by worklog (I need to send reports our clients with detailed day-by-day information) the date and time are exported as e.g. "2021/06/01 at 12:40".

First of all I don't need time at all! It doesn't bring any benefit to us and what's worse, it only confuses our clients (and me too).

We have to edit every report manually and remove "at 12:40" part in each and every worklog. If there was no "at" then Excel could help, but since it's an unrecognizable string, it needs to be amended manually.

Please separate those two fields or add an option to hide time and show the date alone.

  • Tomasz Brudziński
  • Jul 7 2021
  • Will not implement
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Reports
Tempo Platform Cloud
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