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Unify permission check function in Tempo gadgets and Tempo reports systemwide

Tempo gadgets use old, legacy permission check function when evaluates if Jira user has access to data. This permission check is different what Tempo uses in reports.

For example: tempo account lead can see all worklogs logged on the account in tempo reports. The same account lead user cannot see same data in tempo account custom gadget burn-up chart, if she/he is not a timesheet approver in tempo team. (It's not even documented if user has to be a timesheet approver in any team, or approver in all teams, which log time on account)

Referred documentation: https://tempo-io.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/THC/pages/374669675/Account+Custom+Budget+Burn-up+Chart+Gadget+-+Tempo+Cloud


The permission check function shall be unified systemwide. Tempo gadget permission check shall be the same what tempo uses in reports.

If user is account lead, user has to access worklog data on account both in reports and in gadgets. Do not user timesheet approver role as a requirement in gadgets, if it's not a requirement in reports.

  • Marton Lipcsik
  • Oct 29 2021
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Reports, Tempo Accounts
Tempo Platform Cloud, On-Premise
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