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Use components associated to epics to generate a report group by "component" if no "component" is assigned to the child tasks and sub-tasks

Currently, temp only uses the component associated with epics in the group by the functionality of reports. This means if a worklog exist for an epic it would be only considered in the group by section of the report based on components. The reason for this is the component assigned to an epic might be different from the component assigned to a task or a sub-task of that epic.

I am suggesting changing the implementation to check if there is a component already assigned to a task or a sub-task consider that. If not the component that's used for the parent epic could be used in the reports.


Epic A - component C1 - logged 2 hrs

- Task B - no component - logged 1 hr

- Task C component C1 - logged 2 hr

Expected behaviour:

component C1: 5 hrs

- Epic A : 5 hrs

Current behaviour:

component C1: 4 hrs

- Epic A: 4 hrs

no component:

- Epic A: 1 hr

  • Guest
  • Feb 10 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Reports
Tempo Platform Cloud
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