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Logged Time Report: show the original estimate value on epics without effort logged directly on the epic

Current behavior: as project manager, I have defined an original estimate on an epic containing multiple tasks. The original estimate represents (in practice) the effort budget available to execute all the tasks contained below the epic itself. The team logs the effort only on the tasks contained below the epic. In the Logged Time Report, on the epic, is visible the total effort logged both on the epic and on the child tasks; the Estimated effort (original estimate) on the epic is visible only if there is at least 1m LOGGED on the epic itself. In the case visible in the attached screenshot, Estimated apparently is 0, even if actually I have an original estimate of 45 days.

Request: I'd like to see implemented the same behavior we have on the "Logged" field on the "Estimated" field: when an epic is visible, the "Estimated" field should report the sum of the original estimate set on the epic + the original estimate set on the child tasks.

  • Alessandro Dorigatti
  • Apr 6 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Reports
Tempo Platform Cloud
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