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"Start time" in the Slack App should by default be set to the end of the previous interval logged

In the LogTime feature of the Tempo Slack app, the Start Time is by default 8:00 AM. I think it should be smarter:

  • First logging of the day the Start Time should be 8:00 AM

  • From the second logging, the Start Time should be by default the end of the last logging.

For example, if I log from 8 to 10 and then from 10:30 to 11 is very probable that the next log will start at 11 or after.

  • Guest
  • Apr 26 2022
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Other
  • Attach files
  • Pranay Khanna commented
    15 May, 2022 01:36am

    Thank you for sharing the improvement idea!

    We'll evaluate it based on feedback from the broader customer community & update the idea accordingly. Meanwhile, if you're interested to get early access to our features and share more feedback, consider joining our early access program (TempoLab) https://help.tempo.io/cloud/en/tempo-timesheets/tempolab.html