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Account Category Type Internal should make hours non-billable

If Account Category Type is Internal then the hours for an Account with Internal type should be non-billable. Shouldn't just be for Issues in the Internal Issues list.

  • Lauren Cooper
  • May 9 2022
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Fabian van den Barselaar commented
    10 Jun 07:58

    looks like https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-953

    And YES we need that

  • Malene Vikkelsø commented
    08 Jan 14:27

    I found it very confusing that an internal category does not mean non-billable hours. It makes much more sense that billable hours follow the Account Category Type as well and not only the Interal Issues-settings.

    Also Internal Issue-settings do not take into account that you might need to log both billable and non-billable hours on an issue.

  • Guest commented
    October 16, 2023 15:19

    I suggest this should be considered a bug instead of a new feature. According to the documentation, the Account Category Type determines the billable hours.

  • Pierre-Olivier Brassard commented
    June 06, 2022 18:50
