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Include an additional reference for time planning. Hours sold to customer (delivery commitment)

I mean when we sell a project , we sell hours for a user profile. At the beginning of a project, sold hours are the base for the Planned hours . When projects begin and resources logged hours (JIRA) , the planned hours for the next months probably need some adjustments but it's useful for us to have the sold hours as a reference. Is there any option to include that?

  • Guest
  • May 4 2020
  • Unlikely to implement
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Tempo Platform Cloud
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  • Guest commented
    15 Jul, 2020 07:58am

    Possible duplicate of https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/VPRO-I-1 or combinable demand.

  • Guest commented
    4 Jun, 2020 11:06am

    we sell consultory advice, sales proposals are based in people profiles and hours. Ex Tech lead 20hs/month + 1 Developer x 180 hs /months for 6 months project.

    At begginig por project planned hours are the same that the one sold to customer for the defined profles. Then when projects starts and real hours are reported (monthly basis) planning for the future most of time need updates. So changes the original for the project plan but that one is very important since is the one commited for deliveries to customer, so original plan must be the reference. see an example attached. Thanks

  • Andrew Osborne commented
    4 Jun, 2020 10:34am


    Thanks for submitting this, i'd like to understand the use case a bit more - are you able to describe in a bit more detail the problem you are trying to solve here?


    Andrew, PM