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Tempo Planner should take into account the start date and distribute the time proportionally between start and due date

When importing issues from Jira into the Planner, only the due date, the original estimate and the assignee are taken into consideration.

This implies that when imported, all issues are placed on the due date and do not take into account when the issue should start.

An example: An issue estimated with 16h to be done during a week, when imported as a plan, these 16h hours get planned on the thursday and friday of the 8h work day. However, the person needs to start working on the issue on Monday... but that gets not reflected.

As a workaround we can manually change the period of the plan. But this is very time consuming, even more since the information about the period of the plan is already stated in the Jira issue.

If the plan take into consideration both the start and due dates, the time estimate can be proportionally planned across those dates by default.

  • Anna De Castellarnau
  • Nov 28 2023
Tempo Products Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform Cloud
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