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The logged value should only appear in the issue where the hours were logged, not on each one of those fields in the hierarchy.

When you group the “Logged Time” report by multiple attributes—such as User, Epic, and Account—the report will display values for each selected attribute. For example, if you log 1 hour on a particular Epic that is linked to a specific account, the report will show this 1 hour against each of those fields (Epic, Account, etc.). This results in the line item appearing multiple times, each with a value of 1 hour.

The customer would like to change this behavior and the value 1hr should only appear in the issue where the hours were logged, not on each one of those fields in the hierarchy.

  • Jeba Priyanka
  • Aug 26 2024
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Richard Turner commented
    04 Sep 08:04

    This rolling-up of the numbers works intuitively on-screen, or on a PDF version of the report, but is totally in appropriate on an Excel export. Thinking about why someone would export the report to Excel, it's likely that they want to manipulate the data in some way: a very different use case than simply reading or archiving the numbers.

    There is no way to add some fields to the report without grouping by those fields, so if you need those numbers in Excel for some further processing, there's no way to avoid this situation where hours are counted multiple times. Once they're in Excel, there's no formatting like there is on-screen to distinguish the group rows from the data rows easily, so not only does removal of those group rows become a manual process, it's also not a simple one.