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Deactivate the function to edit a work log according to a set work attribute.

Use Case: We evaluate the time tracking of a project at the end of the month and invoice the billable time to our customers. However, if the project remains in the status Open because there are still follow-up activities, all already billed worklogs are marked with a checkbox as work attributes named "Billed". It would be nice if there was a possibility to deactivate the Worklog Edit for those worklogs where such a work attribute has been set.

I think this functionality would be useful in other use cases as well.

  • Alexander Haust
  • Jun 12 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Marton Lipcsik commented
      May 17, 2021 19:57

      This is very similar I was looking for and Tempo Help Center told there is not such a function.
      We are looking a way to "lock" a worklog record, if we know the worklog is already billed to the customer. The "edit, split, move, delete" functions can be restricted only by period management, or user timesheet approval. (Not to mention the JIRA issue "move" function, when the Tempo account can be invalid)
      The checkbox solution mentioned here requires also manually set the "billed" checkbox.
      Tempo is often integrated with an external system on worklog level. The feeds the external system with worklogs, and this external system creates the invoices. The external system knows exactly about each worklog record, if the record shall be "locked" or can be still edited. This information need to be synchronized somehow back into Tempo in a non UI editable way.