With a recent update, the Tempo panel now opens by default in all tickets, requiring users to manually hide it. Previously, it was hidden by default and expandable if needed. We request an option for admins to control the default visibility of the Tempo panel globally or per project. This would improve user experience, reduce frustration and streamline workflows. Currently, each user must manually hide the panel, which is inefficient for large teams.
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this is great!
the sidebar is a fine location for our users that use this addon (less than 1% of our jira projects) without negatively impacting our other projects UX too much.
Ideally, you could configure the projects using this (i.e. showing the feature in the sidebar) + having a boolean flag to determine whether new projects would get the feature added by default or not (for our case not adding them is ideal)
Congrats on this quick update though and listening to your customers!
Hello everyone, and thank you for your patience. We’ve released a new setting that allows Tempo Admins to disable the Tempo panel in the Jira issue view.
For details, please refer to the screenshot and the documentation: Configuring Logging Time Options
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the change, and thank you for your feedback.
Best regards,
Kathryn Vargas
Tempo Product Management
This release was not good, for a couple reasons:
Tempo banner takes a huge portion of the screen between the ticket description and comment
Not everyone uses Tempo, so the fact that we can't select who whould see the huge banner is frustrating
We need this feature to manage who can use Tempo app, some of our 100 user effeted by this which is not even necessary and taking all the screen.
If there is any alternative app also works for us.
same here. Support Ticket: TCS-82435
Why did you change it that way?
In our Company no one needs that Tempo Panel at that place, under the description panel.
Yes, you can “hide” it, but even when “folded”, it takes away valuable space.
Please make it removeable, or remove the behaviour.
Hello everyone, thank you for your valuable feedback on the recent changes. We've taken your input into account and made an update accordingly.
We’ve implemented a permission check for the “Work On Issues” permission. Now, only users who use Tempo and have the permission to work on any given issue will see the panel. This update has been released.
Additionally, we are working on a new setting that will allow Tempo Admins to disable the panel in the Jira issue view.
We’ll continue to keep you informed as this development progresses. Once again, thank you for sharing your feedback with us.
Best regards,
Kathryn Vargas
Tempo Product Management
I concur with the other responses below.
This major UI change appears to have been foisted upon customers without any advanced notice. As I mentioned in the support ticket we raised (TCS-82487), not every team and not every project in our organization uses Tempo. Auto-enabling this huge panel on every project, whether Tempo is in use or not, is not an adequate solution.
I respectfully request that this UI change be reverted until this feature request is fulfilled. Otherwise, we may look to alternative methods for tracking time.
It’s good that this is managed by the user and applied across all projects.
However, hiding is not enough, and it would be nice to have the option to completely remove this block:
Agreement with other comments. Most of our projects don't utilize JSM. This panel is taking up valuable screen real estate and causing agents to have to scroll past to add comments. There should be option to turn off by project and/or elect to only use context menu.
We have several issues with this release.
1. The panel is huge and takes up a ton of space. No one was using the panel because the context menu is more intuitive.
2. The option to hide the menu isn't user friendly. You have to hover the name before the ability to hide it is even shown. And it's not really a hide, it just condenses the panel
3. It conflicts with our issue layout. Jira gives us the ability to modify the fields where we find them to work best. Tempo has stuck their panel right in the middle of it all and even Jira admins have no ability to move or remove it.
The hide control is rather obscured and unintuitive. My users are confused as most of them don’t need to interact with the plugin. I’m spending a lot of time responding to requests about this. The least you could do is make the hide control a visible button or a standard list control.
Not great, Bob.
This was implemented over the weekend and we have had a few users inquire about removing it for their project as they are not utilizing this addon for their project. The capability to pick/choose the project(s) that use this app in the control panel for this would be beneficial. Having the end user do it is something not everyone will grasp and there are some who just do not want to see it and have minimal fields visible in their tickets.
Yes, please allow Admins to remove this from the Details pane. As the Tempo Time Tracking panel is already available in the Context Pane, this is duplication of functionality. In my opinion, time tracking should not be consider a primary detail of the issue, taking up what is already a crowded Details pane. Being able to keep it on the side, away from the important design and testing information that we need to see on the issue, is more appropriate.
Dans notre situation, afficher le Tempo Panel n'est pas adapté et prend inutilement de la place. Il faudrait prévoir de pouvoir enlever cette affichage de façon global et non indivuel.
Je reste à disposition,
Maeva de Perrot