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Add approval status to rest api plans response

When you get all plans using rest api it's mandatory for a good report to have the approval status for each plan. Now the only way to have that is extracting the report manually from UI and it's not possible to automate it.

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  • Mayank Agarwal commented
    27 Sep, 2021 02:23pm

    Shipped in the latest cloud release-
    Now get operations on the public REST API to get plans includes plan approval status when there is a plan approval linked to a plan. https://apidocs.tempo.io/#plans

  • Nicholas Tsiroyiannis commented
    16 Apr, 2021 05:22pm

    Tempo team, this is essential for any ability to report on planned time outside of the system. consider the multitude of use cases where we need to analyse what is pending versus approved, against employee data that does not exist in Tempo. we use reporting systems which rely on the tempo plan. frankly I would expect nothing less than to be able to reflect the status in the API. why the omission ? ideally it should be in the existing /plan endpoint, but even if you had to give us a seperate endpoint to query the status, we would do it. can we have some movement on this please?