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Filter by custom worklog attribute value & bulk edit worklog fields in report

Hi and thank you for the wonderful Tempo plugin. It's simply GREAT! :)

Anyway I was looking for a basic feature required for billing and can't imagine this has not been solved since 7 years where that requirement already came up:



As project manager I need to bill billable hours and mark them billed. Therefor I would like to use the project report, filter by a custom worklog attribute "billed"=false + "billable" > 0

This is really basic, so perhaps I'm doing things wrong, but I can neither

  • find a "Filter by" > worklog attribute

  • bulk-edit worklog attributes (check / change all) on the report, so I have to mark all checkboxes / selects / inputs manually, which is VERY time consuming.

Alternatively it might be helpful to select records to export and afterwards bulk edit worklog attributes of these records to mark them exported, billed, ...

  • Guest
  • Jul 27 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Reports
Tempo Platform Cloud, On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Stephanie Corby commented
    19 Feb, 2024 02:53pm

    While it is nice to create a Tempo Report using a JQL to isolate my billable vs non-billable tickets - the lack of ability to bulk edit the worklogs or even just a work attribute (we have an "invoiced" checkbox to indicate when a worklog has been invoiced) creates sometimes DAYS of manual, tedious work.

    I would be ecstatic to see any bulk editing features in Tempo :-) Data Center please .

  • Quennie Seletaria commented
    29 May, 2023 09:53am

    Hi All,

    Hopefully, I think a feature related to the idea has been enhanced and can be found under:

    Create report > View: Overview (can be found left side of export) > Work Attributes (select custom work attributes)

    Hope this helps.

  • Paul Stynes commented
    29 May, 2023 09:06am

    Hi Guys, similar to comment below I'm a Project Manger who has to manually update a custom work attribute each week for 200+ Timelogs to flag as 'approved'. Would be great to be able to review and then bulk update the custom field based on the report filters selected. Cheers

  • Guest commented
    25 Mar, 2022 09:24am

    Tempo, in the documentation, advocates the use of worklog attributes to mark logs as billable etc. However due to the lack of filtering these attributes are largely useless. The ability to filter on these attributes in both the Report and REST API is required to connect Tempo to external billing platforms (which basically any company needs to do).

    The tip I was given by Tempo staff (regarding the lack of filtering in the REST API) is to export the bulk worklogs myself and filter in Excel. This is simply not a solution because: 1) Why would I use the REST API if I have to filter manually? 2) There are thousands upon thousands of worklogs, exporting and filtering this takes quite a while.

    I have also noticed that this feature request is duplicated quite a few times. All of the following requests seem to be similar if not identical: T-I-420, T-I-1070, T-I-15, T-I-210, ETS-I-4 (which was already merged).

  • Jeremy Upright commented
    1 Mar, 2021 03:20pm

    An additional use case we have is to be able to use the custom worklog attributes in the dashboard gadgets. Occasionally there are times when we might need to group and filter dashboard gadgets using the custom worklog attributes.

  • Jeremy Upright commented
    1 Mar, 2021 03:17pm

    We also have a need to be able to group and filter by custom worklog attributes. This would be a very valuable feature for us.