Tempo Ideas

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Give Days off / Leave of absence / vacation same function as Public holidays

You can add a Holiday schedule and the days will appear in colour 'pink/ rose' and when you plan or book hours it automatically skips these days.

We want the same for days off / vacations / leave of absence / doctor visits etc. If a certain issue type is planned it should occure in pink / rose. So that when a person plans activities it automatically skips the vacation days etc.

  • Fabian van den Barselaar
  • Aug 4 2020
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Timesheets, Tempo Planner
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Jonathan Moosheer commented
    30 Apr 07:48

    BigPicture hase done this. Why does tempo as time tracking app "leader" not support a proper vacation feature?

  • Carlos Andreatta commented
    05 Apr 19:05

    Worked with a customer that wishes to have this implemented in Cloud too!

    Reference: TCS-61247

  • Alexander Zauner commented
    03 Jan 06:08

    This would be a key-feature for us.

  • Angie Rieger commented
    July 27, 2023 15:29

    Yes! This would be amazing for planning - so that it auto recognizes the time off and blocks the calendar - automatically spreads the time across the resource

  • Guest commented
    May 17, 2022 16:21

    We definitely need this.

  • Michael McGuinness commented
    October 13, 2021 00:21

    We really need this to help us understand a team members efficiency, if they had any leave type then their billable KPI needs to be adjusted.

  • Serguei TROFIMOV commented
    October 13, 2020 15:56

    I would say. Tempo could consider internal issues as absence and not to plan on those days.