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add groups to the team permissions on cloud

add groups to the team permissions on cloud.

  • Guest
  • Mar 18 2020
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Teams
Tempo Platform Cloud
  • Attach files
  • Marco Braeuner commented
    18 Feb, 2021 02:54pm


    administrating permissions without groups will lead to a chaos and overhead. We organize all our users in permission groups for teams and projects. To use Jira groups is minimum requirement to work with. Nested groups synchronized with user directories would be best. But user management is on atlassian side.

    This feature was a feature of Tempo for server. If we migrate, I'll have to setup a huge bunch of permissions manually. And I have to change it again for the upcoming feature cloude side.

    To use groups in permissions is a basic key feature for me which has to be reimplemented as fast as possible :-)

    Thanks and Best Regards


  • Hlynur Johnsen commented
    3 Sep, 2020 12:57pm

    Hi everyone,

    Regarding timeline for adding users to permission roles by expanding Jira Groups - i.e. not the synchronised solution - we are planning to work on this in the coming weeks, with the objective to release in the next 2-3 months or so.

    As for the fully synchronised solution, we are looking into our options. We might need something from Atlassian to be able to build an effective solution to this. So at this time don't have a timeline yet.

    And finally, a couple of words about the status of this idea. While we are planning to work on improvements that helps customers use Jira Groups with Tempo permissions, the original idea is about the fully synchronised solution - which is why I'm leaving it in the "likely to implement" status for now.



  • John Wilson commented
    31 Aug, 2020 04:43pm

    Hi Hlynur and other interested folks,

    For my situation, adding a 'bulk add' to team permissions would not help. We need the ability to manage teams (add/remove) in one place, which by default has to be in Jira.

    John Wilson

  • Guest commented
    31 Aug, 2020 01:47pm

    Hi Hlynur,

    Do you have a timetable as to when this will be added?


  • Hlynur Johnsen commented
    31 Aug, 2020 10:40am

    Hi Elisa,

    Using Jira groups to add users to permission roles is not yet available, but we could prioritise and deliver that much quicker than a fully synchronised solution.

    I apologies if my response was misleading.



  • Elisa Kruse commented
    31 Aug, 2020 09:35am

    Dear Hlynur,

    thanks for your feedback. Having a "bulk add" would for work for now. Yes!

    Keeping the teams in synch in the future would be great.

    How can I access bulk add's? Was a solution integrated by now? Or useable already?



  • Hlynur Johnsen commented
    31 Aug, 2020 09:21am

    Thanks for the feedback!

    This is one of the things we would very much like to improve on, and we are looking into ways to implement better support for Jira groups in our Cloud products.

    That said, while we work on a technical solution to synchronise Tempo structures with Jira groups on Cloud, I'd be interested to know if offering a "bulk add" feature, based on Jira groups, to the permission roles would help with solving your use case? That would allow you to add users to permission roles based on Jira groups, but it would not keep them in sync with the Jira group, meaning if the Jira group changes, it would not cascade to the permission roles.

    Again - syncing with Jira groups is what we would like to achieve, but it requires more R&D effort.

    On a side note, we are preparing for releasing a big improvement to how Tempo resource permissions are managed. This improvement will include option to more easily manage access to Tempo data globally and across multiple teams.


    Hlynur Johnsen

    Group Product Manager - Tempo for Jira

  • Elisa Kruse commented
    28 Aug, 2020 11:35am

    Dear team,

    this is a real neceassary feature that should work from scratch, as it is hard to add 60 or more users to a specific Team role.

    There's also no workaround like adding several users comma or semikolon seperated.

    That makes it hard to adminstrate the Team permissions.

    As team lead and administrator I expext these little helpers as they we're common features on Tempo server.

