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Ability to manage users in teams when they are imported from groups.

A lot of companies leverage their Jira Groups to create teams. However it is not possible to edit those users when they are imported from a Jira groups. Their role will stay at member, and it's not possible to edit availability + start / leave date.

Also, if you create a group and add members to it using the Add Jira Groups, a normal user that does not have Jira admin permissions cannot see the members. This limitation makes it harder if you want team leads to maintain their own team.

  • Guest
  • Sep 21 2018
  • Future consideration
Tempo Products Tempo Teams
Tempo Platform On-Premise
  • Attach files
  • Scott Torbert commented
    May 20, 2024 19:02

    We built jira groups in Jira Server to allow other to approve or watch. After conversion it now have a list of all users in the group which is very hard to maintaion.

  • Christoph Päper commented
    January 24, 2024 12:05

    Aren’t Jira Teams the better approach to this? See T-I-2704.

  • Guest commented
    July 27, 2022 12:48

    I understand this is not currently available in Jira Sever, and as described below is a significant impact on admin overhead for on-going project team management. It should at least be added to Jira Data Centre for feature parity.

  • Alexey Sorochkin commented
    February 09, 2022 15:04

    The suggestion was raised in 2018 and implemented for JIRA cloud. We are really hoping to get same Tempo features as cloud users for JIRA Data Center - it will help us manage teams better.

  • Guest commented
    September 22, 2021 09:39

    This is a big item that really needs to be considered for future development. JIRA groups are how global permissions are handled and indeed reporting as well as easy to manage access. The hard work is done upfront by group management whereas with the current version of Tempo users need to be added to the different teams on an individual basis.

    I know the original post is from 2018 but please consider this going forward!

  • Guest commented
    August 27, 2021 07:21

    At least this is as easy as reading an attribute from LDAP to match roles for users. Unbelievable that there is no option to use roles when using jira groups as team members.

  • Ulrich Huber commented
    February 10, 2021 14:11

    This function would be very useful.

    At the moment we have to edit every team manually to set the right role to calculate prices.

  • Hlynur Johnsen commented
    April 03, 2020 10:12

    We are interested in improving the management of Tempo teams, including how they integrate into Jira Groups. However, this is not within scope of our current short term roadmap, but we'll be evaluating this for our medium to longer term roadmap.


    Hlynur Johnsen

    Group Product Manager - Tempo for Jira