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Restore Tempo Budget Confluence Gadgets

When we updated to a newer version of Tempo Budgets, we found that the Confluence macros for showing things like budget / schedule stoplights and the EV/PV/AC line chart were no longer available.

These widgets were very useful, since they let us generate a Confluence page with just the key information we wanted to monitor ~weekly. For us, this was a EV/PV/AC line chart for the overall Tempo Budget portfolio of the project, as well as budget (and sometimes schedule) stoplights for each individual task, maybe stoplights for the overall portfolio as well, and links to the relevant Folios and Portfolios. This page let us very easily keep an eye on the overall EVM, as well as on individual tasks, so we could see if one task was carrying the EVM for another task that was over budget.

The stock reports in the JIRA plugin don't highlight this key information as cleanly, and in particular I don't think they have a way to quickly see budget stoplight information for sub-Folios or especially sub-sub-Folios.

These widgets also mitigated the issue of https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-202 since they allowed us to create a page that combined macros showing both a LOE and a non-LOE portfolio.

(edit: I just realized these gadgets still appear to exist on Jira, but my understanding is that they don't work on confluence as per https://tempo-io.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/382730297/Error+when+using+Tempo+gadgets, let me know if that is wrong and I should follow up with our admins)

  • Guest
  • May 6 2020
  • Likely to implement
Tempo Products Tempo Budgets
Tempo Platform On-Premise
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    • Guest commented
      July 15, 2020 21:13

      We've tried adding the gadgets individually as per this Confluence documentation but no luck with that working, even though the gadgets are still working fine within Jira itself.

      In the meantime, we're clicking through our now 19 folios individually to check their stoplights, across two separate Portfolios (two separate Portfolios due to https://ideas.tempo.io/ideas/T-I-202), instead of being able to view all this info at a glance from one page.

    • Peter Matthews commented
      May 27, 2020 06:24

      Why are we having to vote for something that was an existing feature? I'm unable to find any warning of this change either. Like the submitter of this idea, we also relied on this heavily in our business so simply removing it without an alternative is causing us many problems.

      Your articles about it state "The existent gadgets will be deprecated in favour of better alternatives for our customers" and "we are working towards bringing better options for our customers". That was over a year ago.