Tempo Ideas

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Report costs using the Tempo Account on worklogs rather than on the Jira issue

I track and bill clients based on Tempo Accounts.   For example: I have a project that has 2 accounts associated with it - one is billable to the client and the other is non-billable.   This is often used when I have a junior developer on a project and I don't bill all of their time but I do want to track it.  Currently, the report will show me all the time for an issue that has the account associated with it so it totals both the billable and non-billable Tempo account, thereby inflating the report hours and costs.


It seems to me that it makes more sense to use the account on the worklog rather than the Jira issue.  Perhaps this could be a configuration setting to allow the user to choose the source of hours for the report.



I have been anxiously waiting for the cloud release of Tempo Cost Tracker to give me an easy way to view budget within the system.  I really like the initial release of this product and definitely see it as a future solution to budget tracking.  Unfortunately, it doesn't provide any value to me, and I'm sure others, until I can report by Tempo Account.



  • Kerri Klun
  • Jan 27 2020
  • Shipped
Tempo Products Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets
Tempo Platform Cloud
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  • Admin
    Kathryn Vargas commented
    July 11, 2024 11:45

    Hello all,

    Great news, we've released Billing Rates Tables by Tempo Account, which lets you define and manage billing rates by Tempo Account in Financial Manager (formerly Cost Tracker).

    Thanks to everyone who upvoted and provided feedback on this feature.

    Kathryn Vargas
    Tempo Product Management

  • Admin
    Kathryn Vargas commented
    February 08, 2024 19:07

    Hello everyone, early designs are ready for this feature on Cost Tracker and your feedback would be extremely valuable at this stage.

    Be the first to see what the team's been working on – we hope you find a slot here for a walkthrough. We look forward to hearing from you!

    Thank you,
    Kathryn Vargas
    Tempo Product Management

  • Admin
    Kathryn Vargas commented
    January 15, 2024 18:12

    Hello everyone, thanks for your votes and feedback so far. We're actively looking into improving the Tempo Accounts <> Cost Tracker connection, and we'd love to learn more about how you use them together and any improvements you'd like to see.

    If you have some time for a quick chat, we hope you find a slot here.

    Looking forward to speaking with a few of you, and we'll keep you all posted on our development.

    Thank you,
    Kathryn Vargas
    Tempo Product Management

  • Jon Karnofsky commented
    March 02, 2023 17:10

    I see Tempo's marked this as planned - would love to know where on the roadmap this is!

    I just reinstalled Cost Tracker after a few years, and discovered this still hadn't made it into the tool. I think until it is, we're unable to keep and pay for Cost Tracker. I so badly want to use this plugin, but without this feature, it's simply not valuable. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this is added soon!

  • Guest commented
    December 03, 2020 16:27

    We are a services company and we have hundreds of contracts (each one would be a Tempo Account) billed monthly.

    We are evaluating using Tempo timesheets to compare monthly work hours logged for each account versus the amount billed monthly for that acoount to the client,

    But, we´d like to get the revenue for each Account. If you have the cost/hour for each employee in Cost Tracker ¿why is not posible to use the Tempo Account in Cost Tracker to get the revenue? It makes no sense for me. This funcionality should be implemented

  • Manuel Venegas commented
    November 04, 2020 23:11

    So when do we get this? It should be standard functionality

  • Jörg Lang commented
    May 27, 2020 10:09

    Hwe have the same issue on-prem

  • Jon Karnofsky commented
    February 26, 2020 13:01

    As an agency with contracts and budgets, we use the Tempo accounts to keep track of time vs. budget. Having these cost reports use Account instead of just issue would be extremely helpful. This would  Cost Tracker  truly  valuable for us!

  • Kerri Klun commented
    February 13, 2020 20:53

    Is anyone else having this issue?

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